The impact of accountability training on employees and organizations

Leadership Development in Atlanta
Personal accountability means an individual is accepting and discharging the responsibilities that are delegated and entrusted to them, so their objectives are done well and on time.

According to the American Management Association,¼ of employees avoid responsibility related to their jobs. Gallup® reports that 29% of millennials are engaged at work, 16% are actively disengaged, 55% are not engaged. These surprising statistics signal the need for effective accountability training in the workplace.

Accountability issues are not limited to individual contributors, many managers and leaders have personal accountability challenges as well. What’s worse is the multiplier effect that a manager who lacks accountability has on his or her team. Predicatively, the higher the level of the manager,the greater the multiplier effect.

Teams and individuals with high levels of accountability constantly challenge themselves to find additional actions they can take to achieve the desired goal. They relentlessly pursue the stretch objectives and have fun doing so.

Many organizations have systemic poor accountability and need to change their culture–they need more positive outcomes to happen on time with minimal supervision.

How individuals and organizations can rapidly move to greater accountability

•    Wanted and treasured performance- Organizations that clarify and communicate what they want and more importantly, the behaviors they highly value, are more liking to see that conduct on the job. What’s more, employees are more likely to accurately rate their own accountability more precisely when they understand what separates acceptable from outstanding performance.

•    Assessments that accurately measure accountability- Assessments calibrate employees, which provides self-awareness and insight to the behaviors that foster accountability,  and indicate opportunities for improvement.

•    Peer Pressure - Introducing a non-threating but effective way for coworkers to positively influence the behaviors of unaccountable peers helps create a better company culture.

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•    Coaching for Accountability–Providing training on the coaching skills and techniques specifically designed to address accountability issues gets more rapid and sustained improvement. Most coaching training programs aim at general performance and development. Having a specific module within your coaching platform for accountability equips managers with more impactful coaching methods.

•    Coaching in the Moment - To immediately and effectively deal with accountability issues, giving managers the tools to react to under performing individuals in real time, nips problems in the bud.

•    Getting bad news to travel fast - Deploying aproven method for getting delays, setbacks, and problems quickly communicated gives leaders time to react without experiencing delayed results.

Connect with Performex® for open enrollment Accountability training programs in Atlanta and in house anywhere within the United States and Europe. The irunique and efficacious approach includes self and team assessment tools to measure the degree of challenge and pinpoint development needs. Their workshop content consists of a high impact toolkit, practice applying the tools, expert instruction, and post-workshop support that ensures better and faster outcomes. Their proprietary GROW Coaching for Accountability method works with deeply challenged individuals and teams. To learn more about these programs click here:


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